Information Technology Consulting Services CC


What is Wata ?

Wata is a Namibian product and service that addresses the challenge of knowing the
water levels of water sources on farms and lodges, in a way that is cost effective, saving
money, fuel and time. Wata eradicates the need to travel vast distances just to know
whether there is water at different sources, especially on large properties. In essence,
Wata is a water level monitoring solution that will alert the owner in the event where the
water level becomes too low, or too high. Additionally it provides the owner with
confirmation that there is water at a water source along with the current level of the source.
Wata provides the owner with the information he/she needs to act swiftly when there is a
problem at a given water source.

How does Wata work ?

Wata consists of physical solar powered units called the Hydra II, which includes a
monitoring system that handles alerts and inquiries through SMS.
The Hydra is mounted on top of a tank or dam and measures the level of the water at the
water source. The Hydra sends alerts to the owner via SMS. The Hydra II:

The owner has the ability to request the levels of any water source where the unit is
installed, whereby the system will reply with an SMS indicating the current level of the
water source. Communication flow :


The requirements for Wata to work are:
a) Direct sunlight for 8 hours per day.
    Please be sure to verify this at all locations where the product is to be installed.
b) The ability to send and receive SMS’s via MTC (2G coverage) at the location of the  
    water source to be monitored.
    Please be sure to verify this at all locations where the product is to be installed.

Wata saves water & money

Time is money. Whenever an owner needs to drive to all water points, time is wasted
traveling to and from these points. This time could be spent more productively when
utilizing Wata. Save on fuel costs and the wear and tear on vehicles and parts.

What else does Wata do for me ?

Wata gives the owner peace of mind. No matter where he finds himself, he will always
know whether there is water related problem at any source. 

Wata also reduces effort – no need to be physically present at a water source to know that
there is water. 

Additionally, the service enables the owner to take immediate action to ensure that
livestock and people always have water. The idea is to manage by exception. Knowing
ASAP that there is a problem at a specific water source is important.


- Daily alerts at maximum and minimum levels via SMS
- Balance inquiries via SMS
- Level inquiries via SMS
- Calibration via cell phone
- Support for Remote communication to other devices e.g Solar pump with GSM

Areas of poor or no GSM reception

There are certain areas with poor or no cellphone reception. In such cases, owners are
advised to pool together for the installation of a repeater that distributes cellphone signal
across such an area, benefiting all with the ability to implement Wata on their properties.

Protective Cage

The Hydra comes with a cage that protects it from animals ( eg. baboons )

For more info mail us at or call 081 610 6794